欧州肥満学会が凄い進歩 ケトン食やインターミッテントファスティングを推奨?


「Obesity, a chronic and multifactorial disease, has reached epidemic proportions globally, significantly impacting public health. 」



「The Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet), in particular, characterized by a high intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and moderate consumption of extra virgin olive oil, fish, and nuts, has been correlated with a decreased risk of several cancers. This dietary model not only promotes a healthy body weight but also provides nutrients and bioactive compounds that may have synergistic protective effects against cancer development.」



「Among other dietary interventions, the ketogenic diet (KD) has recently garnered significant attention. Initially developed to manage drug-resistant epilepsy in children, KD has shown potential benefits in promoting weight loss and improving metabolic profiles in individuals with obesity. By drastically reducing carbohydrate intake, KD induces a state of ketosis, where ketone bodies become the primary energy source, potentially exerting anticancer effects by altering tumor metabolism and reducing insulin levels.」



「Intermittent fasting (IF) is another dietary approach that has gained popularity for obesity management. IF involves periodic cycles of fasting and eating, which can improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and promote weight loss. Variants of IF have shown promise in improving metabolic health and a potential role in the prevention and treatment of cancer.」

「インターミッテントファスティング 断続的断食(IF)は、肥満管理のために人気を集めているもう一つの食事療法である。IFは断食と食事の周期的なサイクルを伴い、インスリン感受性を改善し、炎症を軽減し、体重減少を促進する。IFの変種は、代謝の健康を改善する効果が期待されており、がんの予防と治療における潜在的な役割が示されている。」


「Several epidemiological studies have shown an association between obesity and cancer in terms of increased incidence, risk of progression, and relapse.」



・乳がんは世界中で女性に最も多くみられるがんで、特にBMI >35.0の肥満を伴う閉経後女性では乳がんの発症リスクが高くなる。相対リスクは、BMIが10増加すると1.40倍、BMIが5増加すると1.12倍。

・子宮内膜がんは他のどのがん種よりも肥満と強く関連している。相対リスクは、BMIが10増加すると2.89倍、 BMIが5増加すると1.59倍。正常体重の女性と比較すると、中等度の肥満(BMI 35~39.99)の女性の死亡率の相対リスクは2.53倍、重度の肥満(BMI≥40)の女性の死亡率の相対リスクは6.25倍。さらに、肥満は転帰の悪化とも関連している。

・肥満は卵巣がんの発症リスクとも関連している。相対リスクは、BMIが増加すると1.14倍、 BMIが5増加すると1.03倍。内臓脂肪は、BMI自体よりも卵巣がんの発症と関連していると思われる。





「Ketogenic Diet(KD)
KD is a dietary pattern characterized by high fat intake, moderate-to-low protein consumption, and very low-carbohydrate intake (<50 g). Initially, the KD was employed to treat drug-resistant epilepsy in children, but it has now gained widespread acceptance for obesity management. Due to the connection between obesity, diet, and cancer, there is a growing interest in using the KD as an adjuvant therapy in cancer treatment. Preclinical and some clinical trials have shown that the KD can be cost-effective and relatively well tolerated, with the potential to improve metabolic abnormalities, reduce inflammation, limit tumor growth, and protect healthy cells from the damage caused by chemotherapy and radiation.

With a diet that limits intake of carbohydrate, glucose availability for glycolysis is limited, preventing the formation of pyruvate and subsequent conversion to lactate to generate ATP . Lipid and ketone bodies become the predominant source of energy and require the cell to use mitochondria, which may be dysfunctional in cancer cells as noted above. This, combined with the limited availability of glucose for the pentose phosphate pathway and the generation of NADPH, leads to oxidative stress in cancer cells compared with normal cells. Evidence of this oxidative stress was demonstrated in mouse models of neuroblastoma through measurement of activation of energy sensor adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase (AMPK). In response to KD, they found higher activation of AMPK in tumor tissue but not in normal tissue. It is important to note that a few mitochondrial enzymes are key in the metabolism of ketone bodies for energy, and tumor cells tend to express these enzymes in varying amounts. Zhang et al. demonstrated that expression of genes encoding the two ketolytic enzymes 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 1 (BDH1) and succinyl-CoA:3-oxoacid CoA transferase 1 in tumor cells correlated with response to KD.

In addition to these metabolic benefits, KD, perhaps through the action of ketone bodies, can exert several other benefits, including modulation of signaling molecules and gene expression, as well as reduction in inflammation. β-hydroxybutyrate and acetone have been noted to modulate the signaling of N-methyl-D-aspartate, which is physiologically relevant as N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor expression has been observed in various types of cancers. Similarly, hydroxy-carboxylic acid receptor 2 is activated by β-hydroxybutyrate. Hydroxy-carboxylic acid receptor 2 is described as a tumor suppressor and activates specific macrophages that have neuroprotective effects. KD and ketone bodies have also been associated with anti-inflammatory effects through reduction in cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6. A recent study in a mouse model of colon cancer noted that a KD was associated with lower tumor weight, as well as plasma IL-6 levels. Additionally, blood ketone body concentrations were also negatively correlated with tumor weight. KD also reduces inflammation through suppression of NLRP3 inflammasome, which is a multiprotein complex that controls the activation of caspase-1 and subsequent release of proinflammatory cytokines. β-hydroxybutyrate was shown to inhibit assembly of NLRP3 inflammasome.

Despite these theoretical benefits, clinical trials with KD are quite limited. A recent review of clinical trials regarding use of KD in cancer noted that of the approximately 30 trials, the vast majority were case reports or pilot/feasibility studies, with most focusing on the tolerability of KD in this population as well as its impact on body weight, glucose, and other metabolic parameters. As an example, a clinical trial retrospectively evaluated 53 patients undergoing treatment for high-grade glioma who had adequate glucose values recorded. Six of the 53 patients were on KD during treatment with a micronutrient composition of 77% fat, 8% carbohydrate, and 15% protein. They noted that the mean blood glucose for patients on a standard diet was 122 mg/dL, whereas that of patients on a KD was 84 mg/dL and decreased from 142.5 mg/dL prior to initiation of KD. Another clinical trial randomized 73 women with ovarian or endometrial cancer to either a KD (energy from fat, protein, and carbohydrate of 70:25:5) or a diet recommended by the American Cancer Society. After 12 weeks, KD resulted in lower overall and central fat mass. There was also a 21.2% reduction in visceral fat mass with KD compared with 4.6% with the American Cancer Society diet, along with a more significant reduction in insulin, C-peptide levels, glucose, and IGF-1 levels . KD also showed more significant improvement in physical function scores, reports of fatigue, as well as cravings for starchy foods and fast-food fat.

Another randomized clinical trial was designed to enroll three cohorts, including patients with breast, rectal, and head and neck cancer, and included two interventions: ketogenic breakfast with a ketogenic drink and whole food KD. However, ketogenic breakfast drink was not tolerated by many, thus limiting the data to individuals with nonmetastatic breast cancer comparing either whole-food KD (n = 29) or standard diet (n = 30). The authors noted that the KD was well tolerated and resulted in body weight loss of 0.4 kg per week, as well as fat mass. Although fat-free mass and skeletal muscle mass declined initially, they were subsequently preserved. Insulin and IGF-1 levels also decreased more in the KD group .

The potential contraindications of KD in patients with cancer come from in vitro studies and some early-stage in vivo evidence. In a preclinical model of tuberous sclerosis complex, a rare genetic disorder, the growth of renal lesions in Eker rats (Tsc2+/−) was evaluated subjected to ad libitum prolonged feeding of KD for 4, 6, and 8 months. The authors demonstrated that, especially in its long-term usage, KD leads to excessive growth of renal tumors by recruiting ERK1/2 and mTOR, which are related to oleic acid accumulation and the overproduction of growth hormone. The authors also reported the exhaustion of the initial adaptive upregulation of some protective proteins such as Nrf2, p53, and 8-oxoguanine glycosylase, suggesting that KD may be contraindicated in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex. KD may also be contraindicated in cancer patients with the BRAF V600E mutation. In a xenograft mouse model, the ketone body acetoacetate selectively enhanced BRAF V600E mutant-dependent MEK1 activation in human tumors, promoting the growth of human melanoma cells expressing this mutation.

Additionally, KD can be deficient in selenium, vitamin D, zinc, and other vitamins and minerals. These potential adverse side effects can be prevented or corrected if KD is prescribed and monitored by a qualified nutritionist who selects appropriate patients and ensures that KD is well formulated and adjusted in food choices and supplements with necessary vitamins and minerals. In conclusion, data on the safety and efficacy of KD in cancer patients remain relatively sparse and well designed, and rigorous clinical trials are urgently needed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of KD in the cancer setting.

The KD is suitable for patients with obesity and cancer who seek to manage weight and metabolic abnormalities while undergoing treatment (Fig. 2). It may be beneficial for those needing to improve glucose regulation and reduce inflammation. However, KD may not be appropriate for patients with certain genetic mutations or conditions, such as tuberous sclerosis complex or BRAF V600E mutation, due to potential adverse effects. It may also result in deficiencies of essential nutrients, which can be managed with careful planning and supplementation by a qualified nutritionist. KD should consist of about 70–80% of daily calories from fat, 15–25% from protein, and 5–10% from carbohydrates. However, there are different ketogenic approaches, and the correct macronutrient composition may vary on a case-by-case basis. Regular monitoring and adjustment are necessary to ensure nutritional adequacy and safety.」

KDは、高脂肪摂取、中程度から低タンパク質摂取、および非常に低い炭水化物摂取(<50 g)を特徴とする食事パターンである。当初、KDは小児の薬剤抵抗性てんかんの治療に採用されていたが、現在では肥満管理にも広く受け入れられている。肥満、食事、がんの関係により、がん治療の補助療法としてKDを使用することに関心が高まっている。前臨床およびいくつかの臨床試験では、KDは費用対効果が高く、比較的忍容性が高く、代謝異常の改善、炎症の軽減、腫瘍の増殖の制限、化学療法や放射線による損傷から健康な細胞を保護する可能性があることが示されている。


これらの代謝上の利点に加えて、KDは、おそらくケトン体の作用を介して、シグナル伝達分子と遺伝子発現の調節、炎症の軽減など、いくつかの他の利点を発揮する可能性がある。β-ヒドロキシ酪酸とアセトンは、N-メチル-D-アスパラギン酸のシグナル伝達を調節することが注目されており、これは生理学的に関連があり、N-メチル-D-アスパラギン酸受容体の発現はさまざまな種類のがんで観察されている。同様に、ヒドロキシカルボン酸受容体 2 は β-ヒドロキシ酪酸によって活性化される。ヒドロキシカルボン酸受容体 2 は腫瘍抑制因子として説明されており、神経保護効果を持つ特定のマクロファージを活性化する。KD とケトン体は、TNF-α、IL-1、IL-6 などのサイトカインの減少を介した抗炎症効果とも関連付けられている。最近の結腸がんのマウスモデルの研究では、KDは腫瘍重量の低下と血漿IL-6レベルの減少と関連していることが指摘されている。さらに、血中ケトン体濃度も腫瘍重量と負の相関関係にある。KDはまた、カスパーゼ-1の活性化とそれに続く炎症性サイトカインの放出を制御する多タンパク質複合体であるNLRP3インフラマソームの抑制を介して炎症を軽減する。β-ヒドロキシ酪酸はNLRP3インフラマソームの組み立てを阻害することが示されている。

これらの理論的な利点にもかかわらず、KDの臨床試験は非常に限られている。がんにおけるKDの使用に関する臨床試験の最近のレビューでは、約30の試験のうち、大多数が症例報告またはパイロット/実現可能性研究であり、ほとんどがこの集団におけるKDの忍容性と体重、血糖値、およびその他の代謝パラメータへの影響に焦点を当てていることが指摘されている。一例として、臨床試験では、適切な血糖値が記録された高悪性度神経膠腫の治療を受けている53人の患者を遡及的に評価した。53人の患者のうち6人は治療中に77%脂肪、8%炭水化物、15%タンパク質の微量栄養素組成でKDを摂取していた。標準的な食事をしていた患者の平均血糖値は122 mg/dLであったのに対し、KDをしていた患者の平均血糖値は84 mg/dLで、KD開始前の142.5 mg/dLから減少したと彼らは指摘した。別の臨床試験では、卵巣がんまたは子宮内膜がんの女性73人をKD(脂肪、タンパク質、炭水化物からのエネルギーが70:25:5)または米国がん協会が推奨する食事のいずれかに無作為に割り付けた。12週間後、KDでは全体および中心脂肪量が減少した。また、KDでは内臓脂肪量が21.2%減少したのに対し、米国がん協会の食事では4.6%減少し、インスリン、Cペプチド値、グルコース、IGF-1値もより大幅に減少した。 KDでは、身体機能スコア、疲労感、でんぷん質の食品やファーストフードの脂肪への渇望においても、より顕著な改善が見られた。

別のランダム化臨床試験は、乳がん、直腸がん、頭頸部がんの患者を含む3つのコホートを登録するように設計され、2つの介入、ケトジェニック朝食とケトジェニックドリンク、ホールフードKDが含まれていた。しかし、ケトジェニック朝食ドリンクは多くの人に耐容されなかったため、ホールフードKD(n = 29)または標準食事(n = 30)を比較する非転移性乳がん患者へのデータに限定された。著者らは、KDは耐容性が高く、体重が1週間あたり0.4kg減少し、脂肪量も減少したと指摘しました。脂肪のない体重と骨格筋量は最初は減少しましたが、その後は維持されました。インスリンとIGF-1レベルもKDグループでより減少した。

がん患者におけるKDの潜在的な禁忌は、試験管内研究といくつかの初期段階の生体内証拠から明らかになっている。稀な遺伝性疾患である結節性硬化症複合体の前臨床モデルでは、Ekerラット(Tsc2+/−)に4、6、8か月間KDを自由に摂取させ、腎病変の成長を評価した。著者らは、特に長期使用において、KDはオレイン酸の蓄積と成長ホルモンの過剰産生に関連するERK1/2とmTORをリクルートすることで腎腫瘍の過剰な成長につながることを実証した。著者らはまた、Nrf2、p53、8-オキソグアニングリコシラーゼなどのいくつかの保護タンパク質の初期の適応的アップレギュレーションの枯渇を報告しており、結節性硬化症複合体の患者にはKDが禁忌である可能性があることを示唆している。KDはまた、BRAF V600E変異を有する癌患者にも禁忌である可能性がある。異種移植マウスモデルでは、ケトン体アセト酢酸は、ヒト腫瘍におけるBRAF V600E変異依存性MEK1活性化を選択的に増強し、この変異を発現するヒトメラノーマ細胞の増殖を促進した。


KD は、治療を受けながら体重や代謝異常を管理したい肥満やがんの患者に適している。血糖調節を改善し、炎症を軽減する必要がある患者には有益である可能性がある。ただし、結節性硬化症複合体や BRAF V600E 変異など、特定の遺伝子変異や疾患を持つ患者には、潜在的な副作用のため、KD は適切ではない場合がある。また、必須栄養素の欠乏につながる可能性もあるが、資格のある栄養士による慎重な計画と補充によって管理できる。KD は、1 日のカロリーの約 70~80% を脂肪、15~25% をタンパク質、5~10% を炭水化物で構成する必要がある。ただし、さまざまなケトン食アプローチがあり、適切な主要栄養素の構成はケースバイケースで異なる場合がある。栄養の適切性と安全性を確保するには、定期的なモニタリングと調整が必要である。」



「Intermittent Fasting(IF)
In recent decades, there has been a growing interest in IF as a strategy for managing obesity. IF involves periodic episodes of minimal to no calorie consumption. The variations of IF include complete 24-h fasting every other day or fasting on one or two nonconsecutive days per week, commonly known as the 6:1 and 5:2 diets, respectively. Many IF programs recommend a minimal caloric intake (e.g., 500 kcal daily) during fasting periods, allowing unlimited consumption of calorie-free beverages. Another approach, time-restricted feeding (TRF), limits calorie intake to a specific window of time each day, typically between 4 and 12 h. TRF may also involve calorie restriction during the non-fasting period, potentially offering additional benefits, such as improvements in circadian rhythm.

Emerging evidence suggests that fasting could play a key role in cancer treatment by fostering conditions that limit cancer cells’ adaptability, survival, and growth. Fasting could increase the efficacy of cancer treatments and limit adverse events. Yet, we lack an integrated mechanistic model for how these two complicated systems interact, limiting our ability to understand, prevent, and treat cancer using fasting.

Clinical studies have been carried out to measure the relevance of various modalities of IF on metabolic and hormonal endpoints correlated to cancer development and prognosis, given their practicality and the beneficial weight reduction effect in individuals with obesity. IF has been demonstrated to improve cancer risk variables in several short-term randomized clinical studies, including lowered levels of glucose, insulin, leptin, and higher adiponectin, which are linked to cancer etiology. TRF has been reported to cause substantial alterations in biochemical indicators linked to weight, including insulin sensitivity and oxidative stress, in small and underpowered investigations. Nonetheless, in one study (n = 116) in individuals with obesity on TRF, no significant change in weight, fasting insulin, or fasting glucose level was reported. Furthermore, evidence shows that, unlike rats, people require weight loss to optimize metabolic health. Whether weight reduction has a causal function in lowering cancer risk and improving prognosis without considerable food composition changes remains a critical but unresolved issue.

A few studies have used IF in cancer patients as one of the regimens. In one clinical trial of glioma with 25 patients, a significant decrease in HbA1c, insulin, and fat was observed, while lean body weight and ketone bodies (in the brain) were increased with a well-tolerated ketogenic IF diet . Another study on 23 overweight premenopausal women with a high risk of breast cancer reported that 1 month of IF resulted in a 4.8% weight loss, 8% fat loss, and an improvement in insulin resistance. Furthermore, a study that enrolled 13 stage II breast cancer women receiving (neo) adjuvant chemotherapy suggested that IF was well tolerated, with a lower rate of withdrawals from adverse events. In addition, fasting for a brief time was observed to minimize hematologic damage in women receiving chemotherapy, with the fasting group having considerably increased erythrocyte and thrombocyte levels following treatment. Following chemotherapeutic treatments, women in the control group exhibited higher DNA damage indicators and lowered circulating IGF-1 levels than those who had fasted and had lower IGF-1 levels. In another clinical study of diverse tumor types, fasting for 24, 48, or 72 h before treatment was determined to be possible and safe, with only minor adverse effects, such as weariness, headache, and dizziness. Patients fasting for 48–72 h before the chemotherapeutic treatment had a nonsignificant tendency towards a lower incidence of neutropenia and neuropathy than those who fasted for 24 h before treatment. In peripheral blood mononuclear cells, markers of DNA damage increased in all groups, although to a lesser extent in the extended fasting group.

Despite initial concerns about weight loss in patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy, no trials have revealed substantial loss of lean body mass or malnutrition due to IF. IF was found safe and tolerable in an observational study of 28 children with type 1 diabetes with diverse cancers undergoing treatment during Ramadan. In a case series, IF before and after chemotherapy was reported to be secure and well received in 10 patients with a variety of cancers. Finally, in another clinical trial, 25 patients with head or neck cancer undergoing chemotherapy were assigned to either a short-term fasting diet followed by a standard caloric diet or a standard caloric diet followed by a short-term fasting diet. Those patients fasted for 36 h before treatment and 24 h thereafter, having a total of 350 calories per day. Within 8 days of chemotherapy, no substantial weight loss was recorded, although there was an improvement in quality of life and weariness. Such benefits, in contrast, were not seen while having a regular diet.

Despite the limited clinical evidence currently available, several ongoing clinical trials are exploring the potential benefits of IF in various advanced cancer scenarios. However, data on the specific nutritional interventions applied in these clinical trials remain incomplete and inconsistent. This includes details on nutritional guidelines, meal quality, and specific foods included in the diets. Comprehensive and standardized information on these aspects is critical to assessing the efficacy and feasibility of IF as a therapeutic strategy in cancer treatment. Further rigorous and well-designed clinical trials, especially in subjects with obesity, are needed to provide conclusive evidence on the role of IF in cancer treatment and survival.

IF may benefit cancer patients, such as those with glioma or early-stage breast cancer, by showing improvements in biomarkers like HbA1c and insulin resistance and potentially reducing side effects during chemotherapy. Possible minor side effects include fatigue, headache, and dizziness. While IF generally does not cause significant weight loss or malnutrition, ongoing monitoring is essential. IF typically involves minimal caloric intake (e.g., 500 kcal/day) during fasting periods with unlimited calorie-free beverages. TRF limits calorie intake to specific hours, but detailed macronutrient composition varies and should be adjusted to individual needs.」



臨床研究は、その実用性と肥満者における有益な体重減少効果を考慮して、がんの発症と予後に相関する代謝およびホルモンエンドポイントに対するIFの様々な様式の関連性を測定するために実施されてきた。IFは、がんの病因に関連するグルコース、インスリン、レプチンのレベルの低下、アディポネクチンの上昇など、いくつかの短期ランダム化臨床研究でがんリスク変数を改善することが実証されている。TRFは、小規模で検出力の低い調査で、インスリン感受性や酸化ストレスなど、体重に関連する生化学的指標に大きな変化を引き起こすことが報告されている。しかし、TRFを受けている肥満者を対象とした1つの研究(n = 116)では、体重、空腹時インスリン、または空腹時血糖値に有意な変化は報告されなかった。さらに、ラットとは異なり、人間は代謝の健康を最適化するために減量する必要があることが証明されています。体重減少が、食品の組成を大幅に変更することなく、がんのリスクを低下させ、予後を改善するという因果関係を持つかどうかは、依然として重要だが未解決の問題である。




IF は、HbA1c やインスリン抵抗性などのバイオマーカーの改善を示し、化学療法中の副作用を軽減する可能性があるため、神経膠腫や早期乳がんなどのがん患者にメリットをもたらす可能性がある。考えられる軽度の副作用には、疲労、頭痛、めまいなどがある。IF は一般に大幅な体重減少や​​栄養失調を引き起こさないが、継続的なモニタリングが不可欠である。IF では通常、絶食期間中にカロリー摂取を最小限に抑え (例: 1 日 500 kcal)、カロリーゼロの飲み物を無制限に飲む。TRF では特定の時間にカロリー摂取を制限するが、詳細な主要栄養素の構成は変化するため、個人のニーズに合わせて調整する必要がある。





「European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) Position Statement on Medical Nutrition Therapy for the Management of Individuals with Overweight or Obesity and Cancer」「欧州肥満学会(EASO)による過体重または肥満およびがん患者の管理のための医療栄養療法に関する意見表明」(原文はここ

2 thoughts on “欧州肥満学会が凄い進歩 ケトン食やインターミッテントファスティングを推奨?

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